Partnership for Disorder

4 Responses

  1. Kameron Kang says:

    There are a few points that stuck out to me in this article. The first was how the US did not understand the Chinese and how their government or lack of government was set up. The US was working with one group to come up with an agreement but when the country went through a revolution all the work they had done became toilet paper. This in a way this shows how disconnected the US was during this time period with these Asian countries.
    Point two during this time the US never wanted to go all in they in a way just wanted to be middle men they had conflicting interests with the European countries that wanted to keep control of these many areas. This put the US in a tough situation where they could never really commit to the Asian counties they were working with.

  2. Kameron Kang says:

    There are a few points that stuck out to me in this article. The first was how the US did not understand the Chinese and how their government or lack of government was set up. The US was working with one group to come up with a an agreement but when the country went through a revulsion all the work they had done became toilet paper this in a way shows how disconnected the US was during this time period with these Asian counties.

    Point two during this time the US never wanted to go all in they in a way just wanted to be the middle man. They had conflicting interests with European countries that wanted to keep control of these many areas. this put he US in a tough situation where they could never really commit to the Asian countries they were working with.

  3. Minh-Tuan Nguyen says:

    I really enjoyed this article. What really separated this from the rest was the voice of the Author. It was incredibly easy to understand with personality behind the text, instead of boring old comments that make no sense. Examples like, “Yikes” and when the Chinese called Americans fancy really caught my eye.

  4. Cadet Nicholas Arsenault says:

    I enjoyed this article because it talked about the loose relationship we as the United States had with China during WWII. Were we merely similar enemies to Japan or were the two great powers trying to start a new bond? The author explains his clearly beginning with the reason China and the US became partners. They use the term partners specifically instead of allies because the US wanted to remain non-allied at the time. As stated, WWII was one of the few shared moments between the US and China. There were many cultural differences that each party did not understand about each other which ultimately led to WWII being one of the only partnerships the US and China had. Sure they could agree on the punishment of the Japanese people but they could never be allies, especially after WWII when China became a communist country.