Germany and America

28 Responses

  1. Cadet Samantha Picco says:

    I never knew how much effect one country had on another. The fact that the Germans were “self-conscious” about people immigrating to the United States is fascinating. They felt as though they were losing their ingenuity but at the same time they were the ones responsible for the success of others. I have never looked at other countries and thought, “Each country that has gained an American is better because of it.” To each there own, but each person contributes to the success and failure of others.

  2. Cadet Corino says:

    Immigration changes history. In WWII Albert Einstine immigrated to American and it is because of his efforts that we have made current breakthroughs in nuclear technology. America is such a great country because it is a melting pot. we have people of all races and creeds this allows us to be concious of all other countries and have a constant flow of ideas from not only our native citizens but from people from around the globe. Germany was smart to take interest in this.

  3. Steven McGrath says:

    I found the poem “Die Vereinigten Staaten”,Goethe meaning ” The United States” which the line “Amerika, du hast es besser” comes from to be intresting. The poem speaks so highly of America. It talks about how America is untoched land that doesnt have the blemishis of past wars and families can grow safely here. its translation is as follows.

    America, you’re better off
    when our continent, the old one,
    not you ruined castles
    And no basalt.
    does not bother you at home,
    to living time
    remembering useless
    and futile dispute

    Use the present with luck
    And if your children tight,
    they Keep a good skill
    before knights, robbers, and ghost stories.

  4. Cadet Greenawalt, Jacob says:

    I liked reading about the way Germany observed the United States’ treatment of the Native Americans. It is a little disturbing to see what Germans thought of us and how it influenced the way Germany treated its own “multicultural” situation.

  5. According to this article, immigration had one of the biggest impacts on America. I had no clue. Some of the great minds were immigrants like Albert Einstein who was the master mind of nuclear technology. By using their creativity, the United States was making the most of receiving immigrants and giving them freedom.

    Germany was intelligent to notice how America handled its immigration.

  6. Dillion Holloway says:

    I think it is really fascinating that one country can have a huge effect on another, even without realizing it. Countries can base ideas off of each other and change it to make it their own. Once again immigration has been growing rapidly in recent years, and it is kind of crazy that everyone is coming to America. This article reminds us that there are very different ways of coping with immigration.

  7. Carley Shafer says:

    Guetell’s work is very resourceful and explains why America fights for other democratic nations and forever will be a democratic nation.

    One comment he makes suprises me because of the trouble we having in our economy today. He says, “I very much doubt that many people in the western world find China’s political structure inspiring. For obvious reasons, the material/economic aspect appears to be all that counts.”

    I find myself questioning this statement because the United States specifically is in a recession which has caused mass employment, job loss, an increase in crime rate and many other bad things. China makes almost every product we use in the U.S. so the “material/economic” is really all that counts.It really seems like if any country is to keep stable economically, it will be China. Every country — including ours — probably should look at China and ask what they are doing that we are not.

  8. Noel Bonilla says:

    Here in America the first thing that still comes to our heads about Germany is Adolf Hitler, the Nazis and the SS. While I know that we still have troops in Germany (much like Japan) and will probably have them there for multiple more decades, I never knew or thought about their opinions about us.

    As an American, I rarely think about the opinions of other countries, especially ones that we are so removed from war with. Many Germans have come to America in search of a better life. When you think of famous German Americans the first that comes to mind if Albert Einstein, his inventions and discoveries helped create the atomic bomb (which in-turn eliminated Germany’s biggest ally Japan from World War II ironic right). Other American from German backgrounds include President Eisenhower, John Rockefeller and Donald Trump — all of whom have helped shape America in one way or another. America is made of all different kinds of ethnic groups and races, and that is what makes us the best country in the world. Germany should think about this.

  9. Cadet Steve Dailey says:

    I never realized that the flow of Germans to America caused problems in Germany. I can see now that if my fellow countrymen were leaving to become immigrants in the exact country we were at war with then it could put some serious doubts in my mind. Especially when your country is at a time of war; that is a time where everyone must come together and unite.

  10. Shenika Walker says:

    I find it interesting how the migrations of Germans to America would cause such conflict in Germany. I can understand the level of concern between the German citizens when fellow Germans decide to become a member of the opposing side during such an aggravated time. However understanding that one country means one fight is a key essential to the bond they have as a single unit.

  11. David Curtis says:

    It’s true that we have a huge role in what other countries do — not only ourselves but every country.

    In the interview and in the excerpt, I liked the highlights of Prof. Guettel’s open mind to all of the other authors ideas and images that they used. The Germans knew what we were doing as far as our expansion, yet we were the ones who didn’t really seem to notice the implications of manifest destiny.

  12. jeff sleger says:

    This article was very well organized and incredibly detailed. The author clearly showed the extent of his research and knowledge of the subject, and did a great job of prooving his thesis.

  13. Cadet Benner says:

    I think this was a great comparison of Germany and America. I like how the Author portrayed the Indian American war as the United States just trying to push the Indians westward to help them out. Then when Germany invaded poland that was like a horrific event. Both countries tried to brush off the fact that they push truly defenseless people out of their own land. I think Germany just took the shorter end of the stick and the whole world was against them. Over all the comparison was great and would like to read more from this author.

  14. Peter Jensen says:

    I like how the article was split into different sections with questions and then the answer below it. I also think that it gave room for the readers own interpretations of the question so the reader could also come up with a decision after reading the answer to the question and the comments.

  15. Sandor Farkas says:

    While I think that this piece raises many valid points, I also believe that the need for “living space” is a reoccurring ideal for almost every nation in history. If Germany admired America’s expansion, that America got the idea from England, which got it from Napoleon, who got it from Ancient Rome, which got it from Alexander, and so on. I believe this essay is correct, but is not an enclosed phenomenon. It is simply a sample of a trend.

  16. Cadet Camille Hamilton says:

    This journal helps emphasize the face that countries have a lot of influence over one another. War goes deeper than just one incident that both parties disagree on. It uses Germany’s experience as a prime example. The effects America had on Germany were probably more than what America realized. Germany had to fight to become a known power. It used America as a model in some areas to help establish it’s goals. An interesting face too was Germany having a late start in the colonizing game due to their defeating France. The German Empire was founded in January or 1871. This journal is both enlightening and interesting.

  17. Matt Feeney says:

    This article was very interesting, i learned a great amount of information on both the political views and opinions both countries Germany and America had on each other. I learned how conscious the Germans were on their power and how in a way they envied and doubted the American way of life and political system.

  18. Jesse says:

    The world tried to stop Germany from expanding, why did the world not try to stop America?

  19. Rosa says:

    There are many things that as one country you can do to influence another. People since the start of time have tried to take over land and call it their own when there was people already living there. You can tell that the author truly researched the issue and went into detail with those facts. As America we are created of so many different cultures and races is asking even if people say that it effects us in a bad way. If we were to truly look back every one is an immigrant.

  20. Tyler Eccles says:

    The United States is a young nation compared to many other influential countries in the world. In its youth it performed a number of shameful acts in order to acquire greater territory. Unfortunately, Germany, an even younger nation, arrived too late. Germany missed the best opportunities to colonize the rest of the world. Germany only followed the example given by France, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, and even the United States. Our leaders today align themselves with their predecessors’ decisions, so why should Germany not do the same?

  21. Ed Pedrys says:

    Very interesting article. You can honestly see the double standard that is held for America, but honestly trying to colonize is a lot harder when the media is spreading the news. Nobody really cares unless you’re conquering lands and its public.

  22. phil mccusker says:

    I find it amazing how the author was able to make me realize that the essential cause of both world wars was due to countries to expand and be like America. When you look back at WWI and WWII you don’t normally think they were started because of jealousy but for dominance. If you take a real look into these countries/ country that started the war was mainly jealous of Americas success.

  23. Cadet Kondan says:

    I like the comparison between these two country’s of Germany and America. Reading about how they view each other and their citizens was very different from each other in the 19th century. Germany believing their emigrants are building other nations such as America but on the other hand, America’s great PhD’s have come from their citizens going to Germany. The different viewpoints are portrayed well by the author and shows each country’s standing of how they view each other.

  24. Carlos Austin says:

    The thesis of this paper is how Germany viewed america doing the colonial period they where only repeated what they saw when Native Americans,doing the expansion . I also have a different and better understanding why the Germany did what they did.

  25. Carlos Austin says:

    The thesis of this paper is how Germany viewed america doing the colonial period they where only repeated what they saw when Native Americans were being in slaved and taken over by as the Americans expand western . I also have a better understand and a different view how I look at the Germans and the reason why they did what they did.

  26. Benjamin Habekost says:

    It all is very interesting how different nations have high and low points. America was the land of expansion and economic freedom for the Europeans in the 19th century. Now, in the 21st century it seems that China is on the top of the totem pole as far as economics is concerned. Germany tried to be on top (in the wrong way), not able to expand when they wanted.

  27. Dakota Peterson says:

    If Germany can be considered a young nation than most of the worlds oldest countries must also be considered young because Germany can trace its roots to fighting the Romans in Germania. According to the author he states that the Germany Empire was not officially there until January of 1871 after the united German forces (led by Prussia) had defeated France, but did their cultural spring out of no where? I would argue not and that Germany’s plan differed than other nations because they took territory that was close to home instead of colonizing something a world away. So in-effect they were colonizing, bit just made it official and annexed territory and gave the conquered citizens full rights of a German citizen. Furthermore I would argue that the author uses the word empire and not nation, two different words with different meanings. You stated that why shouldn’t Germany follow their predecessors but I would ask are they not? They now control most of Europe by having control of the European Union(EU), which was ultimately one of the goals of the Third Reich. The parts they do not run directly they can run indirectly, just as colonies were run majority of the time, by their power to dictate trade within the EU. So one might even say that Germany is the only one still in the colonizing game.

  28. Arkadiusz Dabrowski says:

    I did not realize that United States’ expansion into the West has such a resonating impact on there nations. Furthermore, the expansion itself is compared to Germany’s concept of “Lebensraum,” while I’ve always been taught in school that this expansion was noble and one that served America’s goals of freedom and liberty. The thought itself of America being acting similar to WWII Germany is a scary one, but the parallels are definitely there.