Category: Current Edition

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New Uses for Orientalism

Wider Applications of a Versatile Theory by Tom Durwood   ABSTRACT A college lit teacher makes the argument for broader applications of the late Edward Said’s literary theory of Orientalism. The author argues that...

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How Stanley Kubrick Lost His Way

Kubrick and the Rule of Empire By Tom Durwood Stanley Kubrick circa 1949. LOOK Magazine Collection, Library of Congress   An English teacher’s “empire theory of literature” sheds a little light on the colossus...



Schools and Empire An Interview with Daniel T. Kirsch INTRODUCTION Our higher-education system is at a crossroads.  America’s impressive college enrollment rate—almost two-thirds of high school completers enroll within one year of graduation—is very...

Harry Potter: Last of the Breed

A Final Golden Age Work to Close the Door on High Empire Kid Lit Troll statue in Scandinavian park Credit: Wikimedia Commons by Tom Durwood Now that we have a bit of distance, we...

Star Wars and Government

The Heart of the Space-Based Franchise Lies in Civics Alexander Maxwell Editor’s Introduction Without some form of government, we are stuck in Thomas Hobbes’ hellish state of nature, ‘the war of all against all.’...

Imperialism in the “Tarzan” Franchise

Anna Kozak What the King of the Jungle Reveals About Us   Editor’s Introduction What we call “Tarzan” is a sprawling collection, or mini-industry, of stories. The original Edgar Rice Burroughs adventure novel, “Tarzan...

Polar Bears and the Real Arctic

ROUGH DRAFT Phillip Pullman, Polar Bears and the Real Arctic R.L. Shields How a Close Reading of History Matters to “His Dark Materials”                        ...